Enter The Void

Youth subcultures at large

How and by what means do youth subcultures find their places in various cities? The international networking program connects Berlin-Amsterdam-Riga-Budapest (with Marom Association/Auróra as its main Hungarian partner), and exchanges knowledge focusing on this very question.

Throughout workshops we visited the four cities and got to know the often politically active bases of their youth subcultures. Clubs, community rehearsal rooms, squats, spaces for neighbourhood management, community wood and bike workshops, as well as a riverside sauna cabin especially close to Valyo’s heart. Their functioning, their business plans and their connections to local communities were also discussed.

We shared our knowledge and experiences on how alternative youth cultures are marginalized in particular cities, on how and under what conditions can yet one acquire a real estate, on the role of pop-up events and outdoor parties, and finally on whether governments/cities help or prevent through regulations, advocacy etc.

The experiences of the program and recommendations to the active actors of the scene and to the decision-makers were published in a funzine edited by 90% of the participants and initiated by the Latvian partners. Consider pp9-11 and pp26-29 with Valyo-related contents, as well as a map comparing riverside accessibilities of the four cities.

Photos: Schanz Judit és más ETV résztvevők