Lower Walkway

Flood-tolerant public space along the Danube andthe river can be touched by hand

For most of the year, when the water level is quite low, on the Pest and Buda sides of the Danube, with small interruptions, but right on the shore, you can walk along the grassy, rushy sand. True, only a few do this, as the occasionally cumbersome route is not well known, nor is it easy to get there.
Valyo has set a goal to treat the immediate coastal area as a full-value part of the city. Let this section be a comfortable, relaxing, fully walkable, well-maintained place on both banks of the Danube. ”The Ficcens”, Gerillagrill and Outlet on the Valdemar and Nina Langlet quays, placed during 2016-17 are the first experimental elements of this prospective promenade.
We wish the discourse among city leaders and city dwellers about the area to start as soon as possible: to whom does it belong, what are the roles and responsibilities, who uses is for what purpose and how, what improvements are needed to make it more attractive?
In the medium term, we are planning experimental interventions on some shorter, easily accessible sections. We use international examples as a basis for this, and we also try our own ideas.
The long-term goal is to expand the well-navigated coastlines on the basis of a unified plan, using previous experience and using the right partnership.
Our role models are the Donau Insel in Vienna, the Danube bank in Belgrade, the Dutch Room vor the River, the city beaches of Copenhagen and many others …